Living Your Truth

Season #1

Hosts: Vikki Fraker & Amanda Augustine

Show Length: 15:59

What does it mean to be “Living Your Truth?” How do we even know what our “truth” is? On this episode Vikki Fraker and Amanda Augustine strip it down to the basics…truth = trust. Once we give ourselves permission to go on the self-discovery journey of finding our truth, we then begin to operate out in the world with a greater level of trust and joy and we experience miracles everywhere. Vikki invites us on this 3-step journey of finding and living from our truth. Step one: stay open and curious, step two: get still and check in and step 3: tap into your inner child-like curiosity and loosen your grip. This is a tall order in this age of seriousness and rigidity…it may be simple…but not necessarily easy. Take heart because Vikki and Amanda break it down for us and leave us with a call to a higher purpose that we can’t ignore: “how you show up in the world is how you show up for yourself.” So set aside the to-do list and make space as we unearth the layers of conditioning and societal expectations in an effort to reconnect with our truest most authentic self in this episode of From the Holler.

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Additional Resources From This Episode:


Farm2Souls is thrilled to announce the launch of our online self-guided course: Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within. Check it out HERE.


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