The Healing Journey

Season #1

Hosts: Vikki Fraker & Amanda Augustine

Show Length: 25:38

What is a “healing journey”? Trendy topic or ancient wisdom? Is it physical? Is it mental? Is it emotional? Is it linear and time-bound? What does Wayne Dyer say on the subject? Vikki Fraker and Amanda Augustine hold space for this topic and look at some of the life events that trigger the healing journey and what going on a healing journey can actually look like. The famed 38 Special song “Hold On Loosely” emerges as the theme song for this episode as Vikki discusses finding your “truth” over and over again and seeking stillness so that you can settle into your soul like that deep comfy arm chair in your grandma’s living room. Amanda has an “ah ha” moment around her “truth” towards the end of this episode that cracks things open for her and challenges her beliefs up to this point. We wrap up this episode discussing this idea of “coming home” and awakening to ourselves and Vikki gives us some practical ways we can start or even continue this process. Through this heartfelt discussion, our minds are opened to embracing the beautiful tapestry of our emotions over and over again.

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Additional Resources From This Episode:


Farm2Souls is thrilled to announce the launch of our online self-guided course: Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within. Check it out HERE.


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